Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 13

June 13

Another long day…and I am glad to be home. We left early again (long train rides) and got back at like 11…that’s 13 + hours! I am wearing out…and it’s only been a week. We did visit two of the coolest places so far (I know it seems I say that everyday, but it really is true)…New and Old Hardwick Halls and my very favorite place, Haddon Hall.

Old Hardwick looked very old indeed. Most of the building had worn away, leaving it in gorgeous ruin. You could see on one of the sides, the remains of fireplaces just hanging out, because the floors had were gone. New Hardwick was also cool, but personally, not a favorite at all. It was very dark and had mostly tapestries on the walls. Additionally, I ate or gagged down the worst meal so far. It was something mushroom pate, which may sound good, but is just mushrooms and stuff blended together into a grey mush that you put on a roll. I was starving so I ate it, but never again! Why can’t I just have a good meal for once?

Our next visit, to Haddon Hall, was by far my favorite place probably on Earth. It’s the kinda place you think only exists in pictures and fairy tales. It literally looked magical and too perfect to be authentic and I loved it. Many films, including Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and The Princess Bride, were filmed there. The interior was rather plain, but the gardens and surrounding landscape were amazingly beautiful. The flowers in the gardens and on the walls filled the area with a wonderful aroma…lol, and it sprinkled a little (it was sunny in London, and I made the mistake of wearing a sleeveless dress and no coat…burr) making it look dewy and misty. Seriously Perfect. Sadly we had to rush out to get to our train in time to make it home, and my camera died.

O and after two hours or so on the train ride home, we realized we were in fact not on a train home (ya the wrong train!), putting us even farther from London than before. Needless to say, it was a long ride, but somehow it didn’t bother us that much.

Sorry I haven’t had time to get back with a lot of you. I haven’t been on a computer for a long time, and when I am, I have to hurry. I have little free time, plus I have lots of homework to complete every night during my free time.

Random stuff…
-The sinks are awkward with one cold faucet and one hot faucet, so you have to move your hands quickly so your hands to get scalded or frozen.
-There are like no paper towels here.
-I hate the food! Really. I went without dinner tonight. I can’t do another pre-made sandwich (they seem to be a big thing here, and I don’t like them at all).

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