Tuesday, September 24, 2013

CREATE52- #38 Large Painting

Pete and I have been saying we would paint something someday- for a long time. Well, we finally found a large canvas on sale and had an afternoon off together. The craziest thing is that this creation- inspired by a real artist- was done by both of us... Like we did it at the same time and just moved around and switched places here and there until it was done. I would say that takes a lot for a couple to do that. I was very proud of us, and it turned out well I think. It is on our dining room wall now.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

CREATE52- #37 Decorative Shelves

Now this one was easy to do. I wanted skinny shelves to set frames and stuff on...but buying them was like too much money. So I bought wood and paint and decorative brackets at Home Depot- for less than $10. Had them cut me 2 5' pieces- of finished wood. Spray painted them glossy black and then screwed on the brackets...voila! Done.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

CREATE52- #36 Photography Framed

This doesn't look like much I guess...but it took quite a bit of time finding 3 photographs I liked that worked together. Then editing the photos to match- black and white with a bit of warmth. Cute little art for the kitchen in our new place.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

CREATE52- #35 Office Pieces

Another 2 pieces to makeover. These I did glossy white- to go in my new craft room/office :) Stay tuned for pics of the new space. I am very excited to have a functional place to create and work and sew etc.