Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 2

July 2

So today we woke up pretty early for a 3 and a half train ride to Rome. The train station actually turned out to be kinda eventful when two of our group disappeared just as the train was leaving. The biggest problem was that our ticket was a group ticket, and not valid unless all 10 are present. So we were worried. (Some said we should just say they were in the bathroom –that was where they went earlier, but I wanted to just tell it like it was.) It turned out they had just got on the wrong train. There were two trains (the fast one and the slow one) going to Rome. They had gotten on the fast one and actually had to wait in Rome for us. Anyway when the train guy came buy, they fibbed to him. But he knew the truth because the other train had called ours to tell us where the other two were. Should a listened to me…Haha it worked out ok though so whatever.

The ride was even more eventful because Lila ended up sitting semi-alone with someone who we are convinced is in the Mafia. He told her awful, scary stories of things he had done and stuff and then offered her everything she needed while in Italy….uh eww. As soon as she told me some of the stuff, I got super worried with her. Class A creep for sure…so we watched ourselves to be sure he didn’t come after her (he had told her a lot). But all is well- no worries now we hope.

So Rome was cool. We took a double-decker tour bus around. We went to the Coliseum-way neat. I could almost imagine how it was in ancient times. The place was huge. I thought it was a lighter color; it was actually quite dirty. But I liked it. It’s always neat to go to the places I have learned about in school or seen in movies.

We had pizza (Haha Pizza Nazi) and gelato for lunch. We also went to the Pantheon, a sweet fountain (I can’t remember the name of it), and the Vatican (We didn’t go in, due to the line. And we didn’t get to see the Sistine Chapel; it’s closed for renovation…too bad). It sprinkled on us today a little too, but it was so warm. I liked it.

After seeing the sights we made our way back to the train station. Lol so there was this over-priced restaurant that a couple ate at. (I wasn’t hungry thank goodness.) Lila only got a water bottle and a can of coke and paid 9 Euros for it! I only paid 1.50 for my water that was way bigger from the same place. When we asked the waiter why that was…he said it was because mine was to go. Ha what a git. Rachel and Brianne paid like 20 for water and like 9 ravioli’s. It actually wasn’t funny at all. For some it was the last straw.

I think we are all getting worn out…seriously. We are also getting irritated more easily by the others (yes even me) and are nearly ready to be going home. Don’t get me wrong this has been the experience of a lifetime, but I need to recuperate. I am excited for familiarity and good food and my cell phone and other clothing and a good bed and bathroom, etc. O ya and poor Lila had another terrible experience at the train station with a stalker guy. It was actually scary…needless to say these creeps have ruined Rome/Italy for her and a little for me too. The train ride back was especially long and smelly (I have never experience such a nasty bathroom.) Lila, Cassie, Rachel, and I listened to Brian Regan on the way home; that helped a little.

The city of Rome was beautiful. However, nothing has topped Venice. Rome does beat Florence though. I am defiantly glad I went…in spite of things. It is good to be back at the hotel and safe.

It’s strange- toilet seats are a rarity.
I hate our shower. There is something so wrong about ringing your hair out on the floor.
Luv Sharele

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